Sal­ly Lan­dau is a viva­cious, opti­mistic  and occa­sion­al­ly acer­bic but always quick-wit­ted writer and dat­ing coach. Her logo design had to reflect all these descrip­tors and pos­sess the ulti­mate goal of the per­ma­nent hookup — tying the knot. The 5‑page Online Dat­ing 101 was cre­at­ed as a free give­away for pro­mo­tion­al pur­pos­es, which is why, it too, need­ed to be wel­com­ing and friend­ly.  The font was cho­sen because of it’s infor­mal and acces­si­ble style which is descrip­tive of Sal­ly as well. The bright pink col­or was intend­ed to draw in sally’s ever youth­ful and ener­getic qualities.